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Primary 2/3 have had a very busy and fun term. Our topic was castles and the children demonstrated great enthusiasm towards their learning. We visited Stirling castle and all the children represented the school well. Some children got to dress up in the traditional clothes from the middle ages. Everyone got to see the Great Hall where royalty and their important friends had banquets. The photograph is taken in the Great Hall at the table where the Royal family would sit.

Thank you for supporting your children's homework. The model castles the children created were super. It is also clear to see that you support reading practice at home as the children are making good progress with this. 

We have covered lots of different aspects of maths this term including shape, subtraction, time, information handling and fractions. The children have had lots of opportunities to use concrete materials to support their learning.

The class have also represented the school at the music and dance festival. Again, the children represented the school to the highest level and thoroughly enjoyed themselves in the process. It made Mrs Greig and Mrs Thomson very proud.

We are looking forward to working with the class next term. Our topic will be Children Around the World.