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Good afternoon everyone,

The boys and girls are really enjoying the story of 'Fantastic Mr Fox.' This week the children were taught how to use the connective 'and'. They then had to use this connective in a sentence about the chapter they had just read.

For writing this week, the children used their planning notes from last week to write a factual report about pigs. They learned that reports are written in the present tense and in the third person (they, it, pigs). The children also learned that notes had to be turned into proper sentences and the report should contain a picture. 

On Wednesday, the children got the chance to look at Google Earth. We looked at where the UK was in relation to the rest of the world. We then looked at where Scotland was in relation to the rest of the UK. I zoomed in on Scotland and we discussed why very few crops were grown in the Highlands. The children were able to say that there were lots of mountains and hills, the ground would be rocky and it can be cold up high. They were aware that this meant that growing crops would be very difficult. We discussed that sheep and deer farming is more popular in this area. We then focused on Fife and talked about how flat it is and how the soil is very fertile meaning the land is perfect for growing crops. We discussed that many different kinds of food is grown. It was also pointed out that animal farming is also popular in Fife and that chickens, deer, sheep, cows and pigs are all farmed locally.

The class finished the block on multiplication in maths this week. They learned the 2 times table and completed an assessment. They will be moving onto grouping and division over the next couple of weeks.

Today the children planted lots of different seeds. We are growing the ingredients you would use in a pizza to show that we can use locally grown ingredients to cook with. We will not actually use what we plant in our pizzas because some of the plants will not be ready to use. The children will get to take the seeds home after a few weeks to continue to nurture at home.

Have a wonderful weekend and I hope the weather stays dry.

Kind regards, Mrs Thomson and Mrs Greig.