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Good Afternoon,

Thursday 18th March was Global Recycling Day. So this week we have been looking at the importance of looking after the local environment, reducing, reusing and recycling. When we were down on the field last week we saw lots of litter. We decided that it was important to remind the school community to put their litter in the bin. We made litter posters to put up in clockroom areas throughout our school.

This week for literacy we have been learning the phonic sound 'ou' and have been learning to read and spell words with the 'ow' words. We have been practising spelling our common words including words with the 'ou' sound. 

We have been learning about how litter can be harmful to animals and their habits. In writing we used lots of describing words to write litter poems. 

In numeracy, we have been continuing to develop our adding skills. We have been finding all the addition facts for 13,14 and 15. We have been developing our knowledge of the language of addition by answering word problems. 

What a lovely day today celebrating Red Nose Day. We enjoyed sharing all our jokes and the outside activity that P4 and Mrs Heggie organised for the school. 
Thanks again for returining the reading books today. I will send out another book on Monday to return on Friday, 
Have a lovely weekend, 
Mrs Elvin