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Good afternoon,

It was lovely to welcome everyone back from the Easter holidays. The children were full of stories to share about the things they had done and the things they have planned for their Summer holidays, which of course will be in glorious sunshine!

Term 4 has been off to a flying start. This term our weekly timetable will stay the same:
Monday- Reading books return to school,
Tuesday- PE , and library day
Wednesday- PE
Thursday- Reading books go home
Friday- Outdoor Learning Day.
In term 4 we aim to get out onto the field for a lot of our Outdoor Learning time so please make sure your child brings wellies or play shoes and a plastic bag for these each Friday. The field does often get very muddy.

In Writing this week the children were telling what they had done in the holidays. They are continuing to write in sentences, spelling common words correctly and using their knowledge of letters and sounds to have-a-go at many other words too. 

In Numeracy the children were working on subtraction facts from 1 to 5, developing mental agility in subtraction and learning to talk about the strategies they use to complete subtraction sums.

In Health and Well-Being the class were learning about where vegetables come from and their life cycle from seed to vegetable. In PE they were learning how to perform a backward roll and next week we will incorporate this roll into our gymnastics sequences using the large equipment.

Now in perfect health, I am very much looking forward to seeing you all next week for Parent Contact.

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs.Davie, Ted and P1.