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Welcome back to Term 4!

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter break and got to spend some quality family time together. Can you believe it, we are in our final term of P3! As some of the children stated on Monday, it really only feels like yesterday that I was standing outside welcoming all the children into Primary 3. I am sure that this term will be our best term yet, filled with lots of new, fun and interesting learning as well as all of the additional summer term activities we have to look forward to! 

In typical Scottish weather the sunshine has returned this week, which has allowed us to take some of our learning outdoors.

On Wednesday we were able to take our PE lesson outside. As we had to pause our football lessons last term in order to prioritise our Creative dance we have picked up from where we left off. This week we have been focusing on the skill of passing. We have concentrated on the strategies required to be successful in passing the ball to each other across a football pitch such as standing to the side of the ball using our weaker foot for support and then using the inside of our stronger foot to follow through with passing. We also learned strategies for receiving the ball including moving towards the direction of the ball and using the side of our stronger foot to receive. We are very much looking forward to continuing this learning over the next couple of weeks. PE will remain on MONDAYS and WEDNESDAYS. 

On Friday we went outside for our first outdoor learning session of Term 4, where we participated in two activities, one was a mindset scavenger hunt and the other was Firepit Safety Games. We are all very curious as to why have to learn these games but Miss Yorkston says that they are important for learning that we will possibly do later on in the term?  Please note that our Outdoor Learning sessions will still happen on a Friday and we will be in contact with you regarding parent helpers for offsite outdoor learning opportunities in our local area.

In numeracy, this week we have started our learning block on fractions. We have been focusing on recognising, writing and understanding halves, quarters and thirds of shapes and amounts. We are finding this a little challenging so any extra learning at home would help us greatly.

We have also started looking at our new topic of TRANSPORT this week. We have posed some very good questions that we would like to answer through our learning in this topic and we can't wait to delve deeper into. This week we learned about transport types from other countries around the world. Did you know that animals are still used as transport across the world! Please ask us at home about this.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend
Miss Yorkston