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Good afternoon everyone.

It was lovely to see the boys and girls again after the Easter holiday.

For Workshop for Literacy this week, Mrs Greig introduced a new book called 'Fantastic Mr Fox.' The book was chosen to fit in with our new project which is farming. The children enjoyed the first chapter and were introduced to the characters of Boggis and Bean. Their learning intention this week was to use the connective 'but' correctly in descriptive sentences about the characters.

We continued work on multiplication this week. The children consolidated their understanding of the link between repeated addition and multiplication, and also the meaning of the symbol X. They were also introduced to commutativity and learned that if you changed the order of the two numbers in the multiplication sum, it will still give you the same answer. The strategies for multiplying by 1 and 0 were also introduced.

We have started a new block of writing this term. The focus will be report writing. On Wednesday, the children were taught how to read a short passage about a pig. They were shown how to use a note taking plan and how to highlight words to write in their plan. For example, under the box for where they live, the children highlighted pen, pigsty, mud and dirt. These were the words they then wrote in their plan. Next week, they will use their notes to write a factual report about a pig. They will need to put their notes back into proper sentences.

Our project this term is farming. This week the children have learned about how animals obtain their food from plants and other animals. They made simple food chains and learned the vocabulary; producer, herbivore, carnivore and omnivore. They also learned to identify and name different sources of food. 

For outdoor learning this week the children learned to identify living and non living things. They then had to identify if the living thing was a plant, animal or insect. Finally, they recorded their observations in the form of drawings.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Kind regards, Mrs Thomson