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This week we have started to think about and plan for Christmas in school! We have been able to begin creating some sustainable Christmas decorations for our classroom in relation to Our Environment topic. The children have discussed lots of ways to reduce, reuse and recycle this festive season and how to be Eco warriors, setting an example to save our environment!

In Numeracy, we have concluded our subtraction topic, finishing with the extended written method and the column method. All children in the class have now a range of strategies to use to work out mental addition and subtraction. We have also began a mini Maths topic on measure with a Christmas focus!

As you may have noted on our school app and seesaw page, we will begin comparing our class novel to the movie version next week. Please ensure you let me know if your child can NOT watch clips from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. A reminder that our Christmas accessories for our Christmas message are needed for Monday 7th December.

It was also Ms Stewart's last day with us. We would like to wish her all the best in her studies as she continues her degree!

Have a great weekend,
Miss Graham