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Week 2 in P5/6

We have had another very busy week in primary 5/6. In maths we have been learning about place value through a variety of active white board and dice activities. We have also begun to revise our times tables.

In literacy we have written our first creative piece of the year in which pupils were using a whole variety of different adjectives to describe different settings, a main character and a mythical creature. Later in the week we began to learn about and create our own similes so that we can focus on using even more descriptive language in our big writing next week.

We have made a start on our first topic which is digital literacy. The pupils each created a poster showing what technology looked like in the past, what it looks like now and then made predictions on what different types of technology would look like in the future.

Towards the end of the week the pupils also got quite arty as they were creating landscapes in the style of pointillism which involves making an image by using lots of tiny coloured dots really close together. We found that it was a really long and detailed process to create a full image.

I have included an image of our class crest from the previous week. Hope everyone has a great weekend and I look forward to seeing everyone again on Monday.

Mr Gray