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Firstly, well done to everyone who put themself forward for House Captain. The children did a fantastic job presenting their speeches. I am so proud of them as this takes a great deal of courage.

P7 have continued to work hard this week in all areas of the curriculum.

In writing, we discussed genre and what this means. The children came up with different 'ingredients' for each genre. They then picked one and created a story in this genre, including their character they created the previous week. Some incredible descriptions. P7 will finish these on Monday and will then upload to Seesaw to show off their amazing work.

In maths, we are coming to the end of our place value topic. The children have been multiplying and dividing by multiples of 10, 100 and 1,000 this week. Some really challenging work but the children have been working on maintaining a positive mind-set when faced with challenge and have done so well throughout this topic.

In project, we were learning about the Terracotta Warriors. The children have created a fact file and their own Terracotta Warrior from clay. Together they make a scary looking army!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Forrest :)