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What an amazing performance the children gave at the Carnegie Hall Music Festival. They sang out clearly with volume and were smiling throughout. I was very proud of them and really enjoyed their performance. 
We have completed our subtraction topic and are moving on to time with a focus on hour.and half hour analogue and will then move on to digital. 
In our writing this week we used the 'I See' strategy to write about the Pine Marten using adjectives to describe what they could actually see. We then used the 'I Wonder' & 'I Think' in groups to come up with good ideas that they explored in our IT slot. 
In drama we are at the early stages of creating our own script in preparation for our show later on this term. 
We welcome Mr MacFadden to our class. He will be with us for six weeks where he will be leading lessons throughout his time with us.
Have a great weekend.
M Shearer