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Good afternoon, 

Firstly we hope you all had a fantastic time at the Christmas Fayre and have now finished your Christmas shopping! We had a lovely time selling the goods we had created and felt very proud of our achievements. 

Preparing for the Christmas Fayre has not been all we have been working on this week. In Maths, our learning focus was upon identifying odd and even numbers. We also continued to practise counting forwards and backwards, recognising numerals, counting accurately and recording amounts, recognising numbers before, after, more, less and in between and subitising. 

In Literacy, to support us reading unfamilar words we have been learning to look at the first letter and look at the picture for a clue. The children are becoming confident in pointing to the words they are reading. 

In Dance/Drama we have been busy learning our parts for the Nativity and we are looking forward to performing to you on the afternoon on Wednesday 18th and the morning of Thursday 19th. Today letters went home in your childs homework folder, informing you of the part they will be playing and any costume pieces they are required to bring to school. 

Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Davie and Miss Yorkston