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Good afternoon,
It has been lovely to greet such happy and enthusiastic little people in the lines each morning. They look so smart and grown-up in their new school uniforms!

The children have really made the most of their first few days of Primary 1. They  have been busy sharing, communicating, negotiating, explaining, experimenting, inventing, designing, constucting, planning, composing and imagining as they play in their new class with their classmates.

They are already building wonderful relationships with their P7 buddies who are supporting them greatly at break-times and in the lunch hall . We look forward to working with them on other projects and tasks throughout the year.

I have loved seeing the variety of water bottles which the children have been proudly bringing into school each day. This week we learned about why drinking water is so good for our Health and Well-being and the children have enjoyed learning how and where to refill their empty bottles during the day. In Science this week we learned the many other uses of water and following the topical news stories about droughts this Summer, we also shared ideas of ways we can save water.

We hope you have enjoyed sharing snapshots of your childs learning through the schools Seesaw platform.

Next week will be our first full week and therefore full timetable. On a Tuesday and Friday we shall have P.E and the children should come to school dressed in their PE kit.
On a Thursday we have Outdoor Learning and the children should come in old/play-clothes and shoes with their wellies and waterproofs in a bag, just in case! 

Also, looking towards next week, please take the time to discuss your childs lunch choices with them before placing the order on ipayimpact.

Thank you for your support,
Have a lovely weekend.