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Good afternoon,
It has been so lovely to meet all the children in primary 4 this week and to hear all about the fun they have had over the summer holidays. It sounds like they have all had a great time. I must say they all all looking really smart in their school uniforms and looking so much taller than when I met them in June!
We are very excited to welcome Bradley and Duncan to our class, and to our school. We are helping them to settle in and making friends with them.
We will continue to use Seesaw this year to share the children's learning and to post homework when it starts. It would be helpful if you could check that you are still able to access your child's Seesaw - a photo of them on their first day of school was posted yesterday for you to enjoy. 
This term we have PE on a Wednesday and a Friday. The children should come to school dressed in their PE kit, and with indoor PE shoes in case PE has to be indoors. We will also start our 'Field Good Fridays' where we will do outdoor learning/play. This means that children will need a waterproof jacket and a change of shoes (wellies/old trainers or similar) on a Friday too.
It would also be very helpful if children could bring an old large t-shirt or shirt to wear over their school uniform when we do messy art. These can be kept in their personal trays.This will help protect their lovely new school uniforms.
Thank you for your help and co-operation. Have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs Haddow