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Primary 4 has settled very well into the upper school routine, working hard on developing a growth mindset and “Can Do” attitude. Mrs Wehmeyer has been impressed with the level of effort and willingness to try. Primary 4 is a caring class and we are all helping one another.
The Woodland topic was highly enjoyable with everyone having lots of fun researching a Woodland animal and creating a book. The classroom novel was Charlotte’s Web by E. B. White, a book that focuses on Friendships and Relationships.
In the corner of our room we have created a Seasons tree. This tree will change throughout the year. We brought Woodland animals from home to sit under our tree. We had some small Fairies that came for a visit to our room and we had to be careful not to scare them away.
We looked at Place Value in Number work and used many activities to help us with our understanding. We enjoyed finding Angles in the playground.
In Writing we have focused on Imaginative writing, We can all successfully use Similes, Alliteration, Onomatopoeia and Metaphors to create mood and atmosphere in our work.

In term 2 we have welcomed a new class member. Our class novel is “The Boy and the Bunnet” by James Robertson. The story is written in Scots and we will use it for Drama activities.
We are busy creating a classroom mural to illustrate the story. It has been great fun creating Zentangle Stags. Our Scottish Enterprise topic is closely linked to the Christmas Fayre. We have created a company called “AWFY BRAW P4” and we cannot wait to start making the items to sell at the Fayre. Everyone had to apply for a job and do an interview with the managers. It is all very exciting and grown up.
Our Numeracy topic is Money, Symmetry and Shape/Position.
Our Seasons tree is now decked out in Autumn splendour and will gradually shed all the Autumn leaves to reveal a Winter tree filled with snowflakes and sparkles for Christmas.