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Good afternoon everybody,

I am delighted to welcome Primary 3 back to school for a brand-new year!  It was wonderful to be greeted on Wednesday by such happy, smiley and enthusiastic children who looked somewhat taller than I remembered from our ‘Meet the teacher session’ in June and had me slightly worried that I had come out of the wrong cloakroom door and was welcoming in the wrong class!

They were also looking very smart in school uniforms however we have had on occasion this week a number of lost jumpers and cardigans so can I please ask that you check your child's clothes, bags and packed lunch boxes making sure that they are all named as this makes it much easier to return lost property to their owners? Many thanks.

This week we have been focussing on getting to know one another and settling in to life in primary 3 and I have shared on seesaw a number of pictures and videos of the activities we have been participating in this week so please have a look if you haven’t done so already.  The children have certainly been keen to share their holiday experiences, and seem to have had fun doing a wide range of things from traveling to foreign countries, to celebrating birthdays to visiting relatives and playing with friends.

 Our timetable will start next week and our PE days are Mondays and Wednesdays.  On these days children should come to school in their PE kits. As the weather is usually nicer at this time of year we will hope to be outside for gym, therefore children should come wearing suitable outdoor gym shoes but for those days where the weather does not permit could I ask that they also bring with them a change of shoes for indoors.

Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Yorkston