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Welcome to Primary 5/6,

What a great start to the year! I am delighted with the excellent effort and super listening skills shown by everyone.
It has been a brilliant first week. There have been lots of happy, smiling faces and great stories to tell about the holidays. Everyone settled in very quickly. Well done Primary 5/6. 
We created security and belonging trees.Our trees will have a trunk filled with adjectives to describe us, roots with the names of people that helps us or care for us, branches containing special talents we have, leaves filled with our hopes and dreams and fruits and flowers describing our emotions. Our trees will show how special and unique we all are. 
We created Class Value Circles using short phrases/words and wrote different motivational words on a paper carrier bag. Each bag will be hung up on a wall and it will be filled with special messages and small handmade gifts. Our Outer/Inner Me portraits have one half showing what we look like and the other half full of our hobbies and likes. We are using our best handwriting skills to write our bio poems. Bio poems are all about what makes us who we are.
Our wonderful project will be Planet Earth with a huge focus on "The Blue Planet" television series hosted by David Attenborough.  We all want to take care of our earth and want to make a difference by being eco friendly in school and at home. Today we created little mini people to surround our planet earth display. It looks absolutely stunning.
PE days will will be on Tuesdays and Wednesdays so please send the children to school in their gym kits. On Fridays we have reading time so everyone must bring a novel.  We will be making animal galleries for art next week so we are looking for some carton egg boxes. It would be much appreciated if you can send this in with your child on Monday.  
We hope everyone has a wonderful, restful weekend.
Primary 5/6 and Mrs Wehmeyer