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Good afternoon everybody.

Welcome to Primary 2. 

The children have settled in very quickly to our new year and all look so smart in their school uniforms. I am very excited to be their teacher this year and look forward to all the great learning opportunities that we will explore. 

We are very lucky to have three new boys join our class this year and I would like to give a very warm welcome to Cairn, Eesa, and Ellis. The children have made them feel very welcome. 

Our PE days are Mondays and Tuesdays and we will be taking part in Outdoor Learning (Natural Connections) on Wednesday afternoons. The children should come dressed in PE kits on Mon/Tues .... white top, black or dark shorts and plimsolls/trainers and on Wed we need warm clothing with waterproof jacket in case of rain and welly boots or old trainers that can get dirty. (old clothing is best because we do get dirty at times!)

It has been lovely taking part in getting to kow you activities this week and I am sorry that the Internet was not working on Wednesday to record their first day but it does seem to be working better now. I have sent home new codes for anyone who requires them on Thursday.

Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Shearer