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Good Afternoon,

Wow I can't quite believe how quickly this week has gone by, I hope your child has enjoyed their first few days. It was lovely to see all the girls and boys looking so smart in their school uniforms and I have been very impressed not only by how well the whole class have settled into the school routines but also by the positivity they have shown towards the small changes put in place for their safety and well-being, so a very big well done indeed!

This week we have been focussing on getting to know our new classmates and reconnecting with each other. We have enjoyed exploring our classroom areas during discovery time, with the home corner, creative area and construction area proving particularly popular at the moment. We have also been playing a variety of all 'about me' games, including our favourite 'when the wind blows.' After learning all about my family the children were especially keen to tell each other about their families. I have asked that they bring to school a photo/photographs of their own family to share. We are hoping to display these for the term in our classroom so if you could please write your child`s name on the reverse to ensure safe return at the end of the term.

In literacy we have be learning to listen to and enjoy many different stories. Our favourite story of the week was 'Hugless Douglas, goes to school' by David Melling. The children we very keen to share with each other their own feelings towards starting and returning to school and were interested to learn that everyone in the class shared the same feeling of excitement. Also in literacy the P2's have been busy making a list of all the important rooms in the school, that the P1's need to be able to find. They then led us on our tour of the school and did a superb job at showing and explaining all the different rooms to the P1's. 

A highlight this week for the P1’s was meeting their buddies today and they are all very keen to be with them again at Monday break. Could I take this time to ask that your child`s breaktime snack is placed in their school bag rather than in a lunch bag style bag, as often children confuse this for lunch. 
This term our P.E slots are on a Thursday and Friday. You may wish for your child to wear a polo shirt that day for ease of changing. Please can you ensure that your child has an indoor and outdoor a P.E kit in school! For P1’s, changing will be introduced gradually with only shoes being changed initially. We will build up to a full change as soon as the children can manage so please do not be alarmed if their PE kit looks relatively unused. I will send home used P.E kits after each P.E session for washing,

I hope you have a lovely weekend!
Miss Yorkston