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Firstly, let me wish you a very happy new year and a huge welcome back to Primary 4/5!

It has been so great to be back and hear all of the children's news and stories over the holidays. It seems like everyone had a relaxing time off and we are all ready to be back into routine and ready to try our best in 2020!

The timetable for P4/5 has had a little change and now gym sessions will occur on a Tuesday and Wednesday. Our music time with Mrs Baxter will remain on a Thursday morning and we look forward to learning some new songs for the upcoming music festival. The Primary 5 pupils will also continue their guitar lessons on a Tuesday morning.

This week we have started to explore our new mini topic linked to Scotland and all boys and girls have received their poem for the special Burns assembly. As part of our homework over the next few weeks, each individual will try their best to learn their poem off by heart and add actions/props to their performance. This is always an exciting time and we look forward to everyone having a chance to share their performance with the class and school community.

We have also started looking at 'Time' in numeracy and we have considered the importance of being able to read and recognise the time on analogue and digital clocks. Time can be a rather tricky topic so we would encourage as much practical examples and practice at home over the next few weeks as well. The boys and girls have also looked at the days and months in Spanish and focused on these words for their spelling in literacy time.

We look forward to all that is in store this term and would like to thank you for your ongoing support as we look into 2020.

Miss Graham and Primary 4/5