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As part of our science investigations, we have been completing various experiments to explore and describe how some plants have adapted to their environment. Relating physical and behavioural characteristics to their survival or extinction. Please ask me at home the 5 different seed dispersal methods, Miss Graham will also be impressed if you remember examples for this.

Everyone enjoyed creating a model sycamore seed to watch how it moves and is carried in the wind. (Check Seesaw for our videos linked to this). We also enjoyed looking at pinecones and how their environment impacts their behaviour. One of the other interesting science experiments we completed was  showing how plants use capillary action to bring water up the roots and stems to the rest of the plant. Lots of fun science happening this week in Primary 6B!

We continued this science theme and linked it to our outdoor learning session this week. The children will be completing an enterprise task linked to Christmas at the beginning of December. Therefore to explore prints and natural dyes as a method of eco printing, we had a go at making our own eco prints this week. We enjoyed using natural materials to look for natural colours and experimented extracting the natural colours. We also enjoyed using various techniques to press and print floral/leaf arrangements. We can't wait to use all of our skills in our enterprise task later this month. Keep an eye out on Seesaw as we begin creating for our Christmas fair!

Over the next few weeks we have a visiting hockey specialist in our school to help us refine our hockey skills. This has proven to be a popular sport among our children. Please note the change of gym day from Thursday to Tuesday for wearing outdoor gym kit. This will continue throughout the month of November.

Have a fun filled weekend,
Miss Graham