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In January, we will be having a Scottish focus as we look forward to celebrating Burn's Night on the 25th. This has allowed us to focus on some old Scots language in class as well as choosing a poem to learn for performing in class on the 20th and 21st January. The boys and girls are also enjoying creating their own Scots illustrated dictionary in class.This has helped us focus on dictionary skills as well as alphabetical order skills. We have also enjoyed learning the first step of the Highland Fling as well as the first five arm and feet positions for highland dancing.

In topic, we will be looking at different Scottish myths and legends. We started the week looking at the legend of the Kelpies. We had fun predicting whether we thought the Kelpies were evil or good characters and found out some interesting facts about Kelpies. Please ask me about this at home. We also had the opportunity to design or create a trap to capture the Kelpie. Some pupils' recorded this on Seesaw so please have a look.

In numeracy, we have been looking at telling the time, this has been a little tricky for some boys and girls but with practice we will quickly retain the information we need to help us tell the time and write the time using digital and analogue clocks. At home you can practice this by visiting TopMarks:

Many thanks,
Miss Graham