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A happy welcome back to our senior pupils, their family and friends - the sun was shining on us all and this week has just flown in! 

Each week myself and the pupils will update the app on a Friday with a round up of our learning highlights and where possible give forward notice of any upcoming opportunities/dates for diary/ special mentions. Please check SEESAW regularly to see your childs work.

This week we welcomed back the cohort to Canmore Primary School.  It was lovely to see the P6/7 children smiling, hear them laughing and listening to them catch up with each other.  Some early nerves were overcome and the children have settled into the class routine well.
The class look extremely smart in their school uniforms  - well done everyone!

Gym is Monday and Wednesday and we will be outdoors where possible - so please dress for the weather and bring a change of indoor footwear. Slippers are fine for the classroom to keep our feet clean and cosy.  Mrs Hay will deliver PE on Wednesdays and I will deliver PE on Monday - our focus will be on athletics and team games this term to help build stamina and agility.

We have begun reading our first class novel Kensukes Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo.  The reading chapters will be posted on SEESAW so please follow along at home and complete reading challenges as they are set.

Homework will focus on spelling, reading and number and this will be out on Monday to be completed by the following Monday. This will complement our class lessons.  Spelling and reading Homework will be set using the Activities feature on SEESAW. Number work will be through SUMDOG and Studyladder.  Your child will have their usernames and passwords home with them today.

We have access to ICT Suite on Monday where I will check all pupils can access their GLOW accounts, Studyladder accounts and Sumdog. Please let me know over the next few weeks if you need any passwords etc reset. but give the children time in ICT on Monday to test them out.

We have begun brainstorming  our Japan topic and have uploaded our mindmaps onto SEESAW to share our learning. Please ask your child what they have learned so far and what they hope to explore in this topic.

Some of our P7s have been buddies this week to the new P1s. I have been very impressed with their confidence and friendliness to the younger pupils - well done!

Our social target winner this week is Lily Hay Stenhouse - congratulations Lily!
A Special mention to my whole class for looking so smart and demonstrating growth mindset and the school values this week.

Next week we have an Internet Safety workshop on Tuesday being delivered in class by PC Ian MCArthur from Fife Constabulary.  We also have a Health and Wellbeing workshop being delivered by Barnardos to P7 only cohort via MS TEAMS on Thursday  (P6 will be completing as separate lesson at this time).

I look forward to encouraging, supporting and working with the class!

Enjoy the weekend!
Mrs Watt & P6/7