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Good afternoon to you all.
I hope this rain stops over the weekend!
It has been another busy week with the children practising the trigraph 'igh' in phonics. They were able to think of quite a lot of words that use this sound.
We are still working on fractions and have looked at equivalent ones eg 1/2 is the same as 2 1/4's  4 1/4's make a whole etc.
The children really enjoyed finding out about Viking Gods and Goddesses and have filled in fact sheets all about them. Our Freya's were very excited to learn that they have the same name as a Viking Goddess.
The field was very wet on Monday so we did our PE on the netball court and the pupils designed their own fitness circuit using 2D shapes. They were very creative.
It was very unfortunate that the heavens opened up and prevented us from completing the sports day events but it has been rescheduled for next Thursday morning so fingers and toes all crossed that we will get to do it then. We should be used to Scottish weather by now!
In HWB we looked at the importance of sleep and what can happen to our bodies if we don't go through the different stages of sleep.
The children are enjoying reading books at silent reading time. They are allowed to bring in books on a Friday if they would like to read their own. It will not be shared with anyone else in the class.
The children have been very enthusiastic for their Discovery Learning and some have chosen to be scientists and explore the resources available. Some have tried to make slime. We have a group who are making things to sell and are thinking that any profit will go to buy new Discovery Learning resources. I am so impressed with their group & collaboration skills . We will upload photos when they are organised to do so. 
I hope you all have a really great weekend.
Miss Shearer