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Good afternoon and welcome to our second term of Primary 1.
On Tuesday morning, the children commented on how cold it was coming to school and this prompted the introduction to our new project, Autumn.
We enjoyed looking for signs of Autumn and learning how to take photographs with the i-pads to record what we had seen. We were surprised by the variety of leaves we found which had fallen from the trees and back in class we sorted, organised and displayed them on a graph and interpreted what was there. The children were very keen to find out who had found the biggest leaf and measured them using non-standard units.
This week we continued the theme of measure, measuring the width of pumpkins and the weight of apples.
We discussed what we already knew about Autumn and then identified what we would like to learn more about. We will enjoy finding the answers to our questions in the forthcoming weeks.
Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Davie and P1a.