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What a busy week we have had in P3/4. We have finished some assessments on place value and spelling to see how much we have remembered from last year. We have also finished our classroom charter, focusing on our class promises and understanding how these link to the Rights of the Child. We discussed that these rights are for EVERY child in our classroom, in our school, in Scotland and the world!

We introduced on new topic for the term Dunfermline, we started thinking about what we already knew about Dunfermline. Then we came up with some questions about what we would like to discover during our topic.
We are looking forward to learning lots of facts about where we live and discover the mystery behind why our school is called 'Canmore Primary School'.

This week we have also started to look at colourful semantics and how our sentences are always made up of the different ingredients/parts. This let us focus on the WHO in our sentences. We learnt that every proper name has to have a capital letter and that our who character in the story can also be written with a pronoun. We had a go writing our own sentences and then in our BIG write we focused on WHO we are and our own character descriptions.

Our highlight of the week was having all of our friends and family visit our classroom on Friday. This allowed all of the adults in our school community and some baby brothers and sisters to see where we fit right in and where all of our learning and fun happens.

Have a great weekend, 
Miss Graham