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This week we have continued our focus on silent letters within our spelling. We had a look at words that end in silent letters and expanded our vocabulary to include these. We also revised our digraphs and trigraphs, focusing on identifying special friends within our spelling as we sound out unfamiliar words. Ask me about this at home! This spelling approach allows all pupils to focus on one sound for the week and incorporate this new spelling pattern into other areas of literacy. Please complete the homework on Seesaw linked to our learning in class. Be creative and don't forget to add in some personal words as well.

In our literacy work, we have started to look at the use of speech marks, we had a go at adding speech marks to a text and we were learning about the correct punctuation for adding dialogue to our stories. We will continue looking at this next week before we start our creative writing block.

In numeracy, we have finished looking at strategies for division. We have really worked hard at this and Miss Graham can't believe our progress. Please continue to review and recall multiplication and division links using times tables as this will help support pupils as we move on to looking at fractions and percentages. This can be done online through activities on sumdog or Topmarks. 

In STEAM this week we looked at the influence of John Logie Baird. We were able to discuss and identify changes in television throughout different decades. We then used this understanding to help us sequence a timeline around the TV. You will see our illustrations and facts about this on Seesaw.

Have a great weekend,
Miss Graham