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What another fast week we have experienced in Primary 6b!
Our Edinburgh topic is fully underway and we have been enjoying getting to know a little more of the history of Edinburgh Old and New Town! Did you know that James Craig won a design competition which became the layout of the new town! Using this information we had a mini competition to showcase our own ideas of what we would include within New Town Edinburgh! We also explored the living conditions of those who lived below the grandeur of the castle within the castle walls and this helped us to write fabulous descriptions on Thursday!

Our decimal knowledge is growing in maths and this week we applied our knowledge to look at three decimal places. The focus and challenge came when we had to order and round to one/two decimal places. Lots of boys and girls showed great resilience and a growth mindset during maths this week-well done again for your concentration and efforts in this!

In art/STEM time this week we have continued to look at the work of the famous Edinburgh artist Paolozzi. Using his designs and sculptures as inspirations we applied our building/joining skills and began to create our own Paolozzi inspired work. Check Seesaw for more information.

I hope you have a lovely long weekend, see you on Tuesday.
Miss Graham