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What a busy first full week back in Primary 6B! We started the week introducing our topic for the term 'Edinburgh' and our class novel linked to this 'Catscape' by local author Mike Nicholson. This mystery novel has gripped the class already and we are excited to read on to discover what has happened to the missing cats.
In numeracy, we have been looking for patterns within our timetables. Please check out our seesaw page to see our lovely patterns. We have also enjoyed playing some active maths games to deepen our understanding of place value. 
The highlight of the week was definitely the STEAM activity which we completed on Wednesday afternoon. Both Primary 6 classes joined together in the afternoon to complete a collaborative learning task. Check out seesaw to see our marvellous creations.We also welcomed some pets to our classroom and look forward to developing our responsibility by looking after and caring for our class stick insects. The six stick insects were carefully named by each table and we can't wait to see these creatures grow!
On Seesaw you will find the homework grid for term one and two. If you have any issues accessing this please let me know. This grid has a selection of tasks to be completed. Please choose one task from the grid each week to complete. You do not need to complete a task on the last week of a term or the first week of a term. As well as completing one activity from the grid, a weekly spelling task should also be completed. A range of spelling tasks has been uploaded to seesaw. Please get in touch if you have any questions about these homework tasks. We will begin our grid on Monday morning with the chosen task carefully completed by Friday.  

Regarding our outdoor learning programme. We hope to begin this later in the term. We will have sessions on a Thursday afternoon and I will communicate when these sessions will begin so that pupils can come drrssed prepared on a Thursday. Until then please continue to wear your school uniform on a Thursday. 
Finally, well done to Ryan and Kyle who did a great job representing our class during the Against Speeding Campaign. What a super way to remind our local community to slow down on the roads near to our school. 

Have a wonderful weekend,
Miss Graham