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What a fabulous week full of lots of outdoor learning fun!
At the beginning of the week we had a fantastic trip to Fordell Firs. We all took part in two activities each. The activities ranged from caving, climbing, archery, zipline, tree climbing, abseiling. All of the children enjoyed challenging themselves and lots of children showed resilience stepping beyond their comfort zones to try things that made them feel anxious at first. The sunshine stayed out for us and we enjoyed a picnic lunch and games on the green after our activities.

On Thursday we also enjoyed spending the morning outside as we had our annual Sports Day. It was great to see so many parents/carers there to support and encourage our young people! We all had a blast and gained lots of points for our houses! We look forward to seeing which house will be the winning house from our sports day efforts! 

As this term is super busy for everyone, I have decided to offer an extension on our homework task. Thanks to all of the children who have brought in their homework already but I know lots of you are needing extra time. The new date for handing in your homework is Tuesday 7th June. I look forward to seeing what you have been reading!

If you haven't headed over to our class Seesaw page please do so as this week has been a busy one with lots of fantastic snapshots shown through the videos/pictures posted.

And finally as we look forward to our Jubilee celebrations and activities next week, we have planned to watch a PG movie called The Queen's Corgi, if you would NOT like your child to watch this please let me know as soon as possible. We also plan to take part in a STEM challenge so if you have any junk materials like boxes or tubes etc please bring these in before Wednesday afternoon. 

Many thanks,
Miss Graham