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This week we have enjoyed joining together every morning for some mindful moments with Mrs Heggie's and Mrs Haddow's class. We have been focusing on children's mental health and how we can improve our mental health and listen to what our emotions are trying to teach us! One of the mornings we talked about using our breathing to help calm us and we also looked at putting on a brave face with a growth mindset when the going gets tough to develop our resilience. The children engaged in lots of discussion around their support bubble/balloon and who is available in school and at home to help lift them up when they are feeling blue. It was lovely to reflect on all of the people we have in our lives who play this role for us. Check out our awesome artwork linked to this on Seesaw.

Our week has also involved more Titanic knowledge, improving our Mental Maths times tables recall and starting multiplication as a topic in Numeracy. We have also enjoyed building some dens with a cup of hot chocolate during our Field Good Friday session! 

Hope you can find a mindful moment this weekend to relax and spend some time with the people in your support bubbles/balloons. 

Have a nice weekend,
Miss Graham