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This week has sailed by so quickly! I wonder if starting our new project 'Titanic' has anything to do with that...
The boys and girls were really excited on Monday morning when they came into class and saw our topic table set up with books and a 3D model of the Titanic. There was a real buzz as we discussed what we knew about the boat and what we wanted to find out. We also received our new homework task linked to this topic. Please check our Seesaw page to find out more details linked to creating a PowerPoint presentation and 3D model. Please let me know if anyone requires any shoe boxes or cereal boxes for this homework task.
We have now finished up our Numeracy focus on telling the time. This week one group moved onto looking at how to interpret timetables. Another group used a numberline to solve time problems and one group worked really well at telling the time on analogue and digital clocks. Even though we are moving on from this topic, please ensure that your child continues to practice telling the time at home. There are lots of practical ways that time can be brought up in conversation.  We discussed working out the time of an After School club or going on a train journey in class so please ask your child at home about 12/24 hour clock as well as time durations!
This week in Outdoor Learning, we were working on our team building skills. We enjoyed getting outside into our school grounds to work together at completing some team building challenges. These tasks allowed pupils to work in small groups to achieve a specific goal or target. Miss Graham was super impressed by the effort shown by all pupils. Everyone was very respectful and responsible in their group and tried their best at all activities. Next week we look forward to applying these skills into a den building challenge.

Until next week,
Miss Graham