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What a jam packed week we have enjoyed in P4/5!

On Monday, COP26 started in Glasgow and as we have just finished looking at deforestation linked to the Amazon Rainforest we tuned into Newsround every day to find out more about what was happening. We were introduced to a girl called Greta and read a book called Greta and the giants which helped us understand a little more about climate change. Someone had the idea of making signs like Greta to help tell people in our school community how to save the earth and make small changes to stop climate change. The picture below will showcase the fabulous efforts every pupil put into this! We may have some future Greta Thunberg's in our classroom!

On Thursday we had a different type of day as we took part in Outdoor Classroom Day. The whole school were involved and we also took part in a litter pick to look after our school environment. This tied in with the work we were covering in Social Studies/Project. We enjoyed creating some creatures/characters which we look forward to using in our character description writing next week! 

This week we have also been taking part in the Sumdog competition. Miss Graham was super impressed with the efforts that all pupils' showed in ICT time and for homework in this Fife wide competition.

Friday also saw us take part in a House Day. We all came dressed in house colours and had the opportunity to design mascots for our house! We look forward to finding out if any of our designs were chosen by the House Captains. 

As you can see we have been super busy and Miss Graham is looking forward to a quieter weekend before the fireworks on Saturday night. Enjoy your weekend,

Miss Graham