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We have had another fantastic week in Primary 4/5!  The end of term is slowly creeping upon us so we have been very busy trying to finish up some Roman/outdoor learning activities.

One of the things we have thoroughly enjoyed participating in this term has been the John Muir Challenge Award. This week we have finished off this award by completing the last two challenges. On Wednesday afternoon, we  took a short trip to a local wild space (North Woods) for some den building fun! Everyone did a fantastic job building their den. The pupils worked together using their team building skills and creativity to move and position some heavy logs/twigs to form some interesting hideouts. This was definitely a highlight of the week for many of the pupils (including Miss Graham). Another highlight of the week was on Tuesday afternoon when we had a Microsoft teams meeting with the National Museum of Edinburgh. We got to find out more information about the Romans and see some Roman objects. We really enjoyed asking questions during the Q&A time.

In numeracy, we have continued to focus on finding the volume and have had the opportunity to apply our skills into real life contexts as we have completed problem solving activities around finding the volume in ml and l. Our mental maths this week has also challenged us to apply our skills from across the year as we completed different five a day challenges. These daily challenges are available online and if you wish to check them out you can find them on 'Corbettmaths 5 a day'  for some extra practice!

We have also had the opportunity  to reflect on our writing progress. The children set personal targets based on feedback from their peers on previous pieces of work and worked hard on Wednesday to reach their target as we completed our final diary writing piece. This week we were pretending to be Roman children (ask me what a day in the life of a Roman child was like!)

As the term is slowly coming to a close, Primary 4/5 will enjoy an end of year treat next Wednesday. Please ensure your child comes dressed in outdoor gym kit ready for some team building fun  organised for us by the active schools coordinator. This will be followed by a class movie in the afternoon and we hope to watch the movie 'How to Train Your Dragon' linked to our class author focus. This movie is a PG so please let the office know if you do not wish for your child to participate in the viewing.

Many thanks,
Miss Graham