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Happy New Year from P6a. It seems no time at all since we started P6a but we are now nearly a week into the new term!  We started off 2019 by thinking about what we want to achieve and made some resolutions setting out steps we want to take. 
Term 3 is our longest term and will allow us to challenge ourselves in more depth. Within numeracy, we will be looking at how to calculate and convert between percentages, decimal fractions and simple fractions.  As we develop our skills we will tackle irregular fractions.  There will be a strong focus on problem solving;learning skills that make us better equipped to tackle real life based problems.
In Literacy, we will be working hard to improve our writing skills.  We will be looking at developing our reporting and presentation skills. This will be done through stand-alone classwork and through links to Digital Literacy, our Social Studies mini-topic of Space and our study later this term of Mary, Queen of Scots.
We have already carried out some research and found some amazing facts about the planets.  We will be looking at some of the challenges around space exploration and the innovative engineering solutions used to solve them. Our work looking at Mary Queen of Scots will lead us to explore areas such as conflict, religion, justice and equality.  We will be comparing and contrasting in interesting ways the experiences of those who lived long ago with modern society and our own experiences.
Despite the chilly weather we have been learning outdoors already. We hope that the weather will be kind as we continue to explore our natural world this term!

Kind regards,
P6a and Mr Leitch.