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Another short but fun filled week in Primary 6b! This week we have turned our attention to organising and planning the Macmillan big breakfast which we will be hosting NEXT Thursday and Friday for our school community. We have been collecting donations from various local supermarkets towards this and any additional items we require will be communicated on Monday afternoon. It has been very exciting thinking about the different roles we will carry out for this fundraiser and we look forward to sharing our posters on Seesaw with you soon.
This week we have also been learning lots more on Edinburgh as we shifted our focus from descriptive pieces to note taking. Our two areas of focus this week have been Edinburgh Castle and The Black Plague. Lots of interesting discussions happening in our classroom.
This week we have also looked at reading and ordering negative numbers in Numeracy. We talked about where we have seen negative numbers in the world around us and we practised reading thermometers with different scales.
We finished the week with a wonderful Jeans for Genes dress down and we thank Primary 4 for their organisation in this.
It was also lovely to speak to many of you on Wednesday evening and I look forward to seeing more of you next week.
Miss Graham