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As we draw ever closer to the end of the year we continue to show plenty of effort and application in P5/6.
The big highlight this week was taking part in the Fife Sumdog Summer Contest. It is even better news to know we have won the contest with a score of 949/1000. 12 children were willing to give up their time over the last week to answer 1000 questions.  It has given us a positive focus in class and everyone really took their time in answering these questions. Well done to James, Ryan, Orla, Jake, Caitlin, Lewis, Murray, Riley, Aiden, Kyle M, Sadie and Jack.  You have been brilliant and have been very supportive of one another when you have been playing in school.  Everyone is very proud of you!.
In Health we looked at "Love" and what this means. Lots of great disussions has taken place and some thoughtful answers given. 
In Maths we continued our work on Directions and we planned a series of routes from one pont to another using compass points.
We are working very hard on increasing our confidence when we read aloud in front of our classmates. This means changing the tone of our voices and varying the pace when we read.
In Biology we looked at the process of Transpiration on the leaves of green plants and we found this very informative. We are drawing some diagrams to show this process. We all selected a flower to research and this was greatly enjoyed by everyone.
Some of us were very excited to meet our P1 Buddies and their families at the Teddy Bear's picnic on Wednesday afternoon.
On Thursday we all heard who our new teachers will be and we are sure we will show them what a fabulous group of pupils we all are. 
Congratulations to our Social Target of the Week winner, Ryan for showing great resilience this week playing in the Sumdog contest. Well done Ryan!
We wish everyone a wonderful and restful weekend!
Primary5/6 and Mrs Wehmeyer