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Good afternoon,
On Monday we continued our maths topic `Time` as we recorded events on a simple calendar. Then on Tuesday we explored the importance of `Telling The Time` and the instruments used , after receiving an email from the school office asking if Ted could work there each day from 10 oclock- 11 oclock. On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday we were learning to read and display the time in whole hours (…… oclock), in analogue form. The children have thoroughly enjoyed noticing when it is 10 and 11 oclock on our class clock, taking and collecting Ted from the office and learning about the work he has been doing there. Next week we will move onto learning to read and write digital times in whole hours ( e.g 4:00). Another highlight this week was getting our `first words` reading books. The children have now learned 22 letters/sounds of the alphabet are in a good position to read words. One of the things we worked on was using our pointing finger to point to the word we were reading. This helps focus the eyes and encourages the children to read what is there rather than what they think might be written. I hope you have enjoyed hearing your child reading their book to you at home. I will record reading aloud lessons and upload to Seesaw so that you can mirror the strategies I use to support your child in learning to read. Gentle reminder to return this book on Monday in order to give another child this copy. We do not have extra copies so books must be returned to give each child a book to read. In Health and Well-being, PE, we are undertaking a block of `Fitness`. Before learning to skip with ropes, we were learning how to skip with hoops. The children are enjoying this challenge as well as exploring all of the other things they can do with hoops. We will continue to learn how to skip next week. Our visit from the school dentist on Thursday initiated a discussion about how to look after our teeth and the children were pleased to be taking home a new toothbrush and toothpaste. Have a lovely weekend, Mrs.Davie, P1 and Ted