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Good afternoon,

We started our week by writing our news. We are learning to write sentences and this week our focus was adjectives. We have been trying to use adjectives in our writing to describe our news. Please see Seesaw to see your child sharing their writing.

In Literacy this week, we have been continuing our reading of The Eejits which is The Twits by Roald Dahl translated into the Scots language by Matthew Fitt.  The children have been enjoying listening to the story and have been learning some Scots words. We read the chapter The Puddock which is The Frog and highlighted some Scots words and then wrote the words and drew pictures to explain the meaning.
In Phonics, we have been learning to read and write words with the ‘ay’ sound. The children enjoyed writing words with the ay sound, finding the ‘ay’ words in a wordsearch and making words using the alphabet letters. The ‘ay’ homework activity has been uploaded on to Seesaw- please complete by Monday.
I am looking forward to hearing the children recite their chosen poem on Monday 24th January. We have been practising in class and it was great to hear and see how much hard work the children have put into learning their poem. On Seesaw you will find a homework activity for the poetry competition where you will find links to listen to the poems.

In Numeracy, we have been learning to subtract.  We have been consolidating our skills from Primary One by practising subtracting to 10 using the skills of putting the largest number in our head, using our fingers to show the smaller number, and then counting back to find the answer. You can see an example on Seesaw. We have been learning using the skills of counting backwards to help us to subtract from 20. We have been using cubes and a number lines to support our subtracting.
Special plea regarrding school lunch choices.Ten pupils each day this week have had no lunch choice- please can you make sure that you complete the lunch choices even if your child is a packed lunch?
Thank you to those parents who consistently ensure lunch choices are completed on Sunday before the week ahead.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Elvin