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Good afternoon,

Happy New Year!
It’s lovely to see the children back at school and with a positive attitude to learning.

In Literacy this week we have been reading The Eejits which is 'The Twits' by Roald Dahl translated into the Scot’s Language by Matthew Fitt.  The children have been enjoying listening to the story and have been learning some Scot's words. We read a part of the book together and highlighted some Scot’s words and then wrote the words and drew pictures to explain the meaning.
In Phonics, we have been learning to read and write words with the ‘ai’ sound. The children enjoyed writing words with the 'ai' sound, finding the ‘ai’ words in a wordsearch and playing snakes and ladders with ‘ai’ words.
This week the children went home with a reading book on Tuesday, please return on Monday. Along with the reading book was a homework sheet for the poetry challenge. The children have to choose one poem and learn to recite the poem. On Seesaw you will find a homework activity including links to listen to the poems. I look forward to hearing the children recite their chosen poem to the class on Monday 24th January.

In Numeracy, we have finished our work on symmetry by deciding which objects are symmetrical or asymmetrical. We used mirrors and drew a line of symmetry to help us decide. During outdoor learning we created our own symmetrical pictures. We have also been learning about following directions by using the instructions forward, turn left and turn right.

This term gym days this term are the same- Tuesday and Thursday. Outdoor Learning will take place every Friday.Reading and homework activities will be sent home on a Tuesday to be returned on a Monday.
Thank you for your continued support,
Have a great weekend!

Mrs Elvin