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Good afternoon, 

In Literacy we have been learning about alphabetical order. We have been using a dictionary to find a variety of words. 

In Numeracy, we have been learning to subtract teens numbers and learning the chimney sum method of subtracting, We have also been identifying how many tens and ones are in a number and have been using the concrete material to make the number. 

In Health and Wellbeing, we have been learning about how we deal with emotions. We listened to the story 'Hands are not for hitting'. We talked about times when we get upset and how we have to be the boss of our feelings and stay in control. We talked about strategies of how to help to deal with different situations. 

The highlight of the week was Sports Day. All the children had lots of fun and showed great sportsmanship taking part in the potted sports and the egg and spoon race. The children all very much enjoyed their outdoor learning day. 

Have a great weekend, 
Mrs Elvin