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Another quick week has gone by in Primary 6b and what a brilliant week it has been.
This week started off with a health and wellbeing focus as we discussed our school values in a whole school reconnector. Some of our class also received their level one certificates from the 2021/22 Natural connections sessions. What a super achievement and we look forward to building on these outdoor learning skills soon.
In numeracy, we have been challenging ourselves to look at decimals. Our focus has been on tenths with some pupils taking up the extra challenge of looking at hundredths. We have been looking at the value of a digit in a decimal number and applying our understanding into written and pictorial work. 
This week we have also been taking part in the Schools Air Race Challenge linked with Aero Space Kinross. Jack Rodger's design was selected and has been sent off as our class entry for this competition. Well done Jack, we look forward to seeing how far this design goes in the Scottish schools competition. 
This term our STEAM activities will be linked to our topic Edinburgh. We will require cardboard for some of our activities and would love it it you could keep any cardboard recycling to bring into school. We hope to start this next week so if you could bring this in as soon as possible. Check out Seesaw to see our learning and understanding on map work and Edinburgh so far! I know you will be super impressed with our line drawings of the streets in Edinburgh. 
As always I hope you all have a wonderful weekend,
Miss Graham