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In class we have been reading 'The Accidental Prime Minister' by Tom Laughlin. This has led to some interesting discussions around what we would do if we became Prime Minister/First Minister. Please check out our writing on Seesaw regarding this. We focused on the rights of the child, global goals and how we can make small changes in our personal context.
We have looked at different ways we can take action for a fairer world and had a go at creating parties and manifestos linking to the global goals. This has been very informative and lots of interesting discussion has taken place this week. We enjoyed hearing from Plastic Free Dunfermline about the issue of single use plastics and their impact on our local environment.

In numeracy, we have started a new topic- money. We have explored budgeting and some groups have looked at finding change/discount. We have looked at word problems linked to budgeting. Our mental maths has focused more on developing our mental recall through DAILY 10 and this has helped us in our calculations.Have a go at home over the long weekend!

We look forward to taking part in our WHOLE SCHOOL SPORTS DAY next Thursday. We have enjoyed practising for this and hope you will join us down on the field.

Our schedule for next week is as follows (however with an ever changing timetable please keep an eye out on Seesaw if we have any last minute changes)

WEDNESDAY-Outdoor gym

Have a lovely long weekend,
Miss Graham