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This week we have introduced our topic for January. In line with the school community and in the lead up to our whole school Robert Burns celebrations we will be focusing on Scottish Inventors and the traditions surrounding Burns Supper. On Monday we introduced Alexander Fleming and his work on penicillin during our STEAM input. We will be carrying out an ongoing experiment linked to this for the next three weeks and we can't wait to watch science first hand!

On Seesaw you will see that the January homework links have been placed. This is in a different format than usual as it is a short term plan leading up to celebrating Robert Burns. As a class we are focusing on Auld Lang Syne and we have all been given a copy of this to learn. Some pupils will choose to learn all verses of the song/poem, some other pupils will learn the first four verses. As it is a song, pupils may sing or say the words to the tune or they may recite this.

In spelling, we have started looking at silent letters. Specifically we have looked at the silent letters at the beginning of words. On Seesaw a new spelling grid has been posted under the activity tab and the spelling list of suggested words has been posted to each pupil. Please note that Strawberries are only learning the first two columns of this and most pupils should also complete the extension section. There will also be reading homework given out next week and this is explained on the homework link page. If you have any further questions or queries please do get in contact.
Have a great weekend,
Miss Graham