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This week we have been super busy putting together all of the finishing touches to our class Enterprise project. Primary 6A and 6B have been really working hard over the past few weeks as we transformed old, torn, unused fabrics into beautiful tote bags.

This process allowed us to experiment and develop different printing techniques. We used our John Muir Award to spring into this short project, beginning the term with picking berries, natural materials that linked to autumn. We then used the berries we had picked to create natural dyes and then used different tie dye techniques to design our fabric. Our fine motor skills were then put under pressure as we learnt how to use a sewing machine. We all had a go at sewing on the sides of our bags and a few expert sewing bees helped put the handles on. A BIG thank you to Mrs Brand, Mrs Elvin and Ruth Swinson who helped our budding sewing superstars get started and learn the basics of a sewing machine. Thank you to everyone who collected berries, donated old fabric etc. as we have LOVED transforming something old into reusable recycled bags!

On Friday, we were very excited to sell our handmade bags at the fayre as part of our Christmas Surprise stall. We also sold our Christmas tree surprises. Thank you to everyone who came along to support our school at this festive event. Lots of fun and lots of creativity on show from throughout the school community. We want to thank you for visiting our stall and supporting us with your purchase.

This week we also spent time working towards writing a biography on David Attenborough. The children learnt lots of fun facts and interesting things about this famous wildlife guru. Next week, will have the opportunity to write a biography of our own choice and this will allow pupils to do personal research in school and at home relating to their famous figure/person of interest. Please ensure this is completed and brought in for Tuesday morning. We also enjoyed having Mrs Howie visit our class for our numeracy circles this week. She was very impressed with our independence and hard working attitude towards the calculations and problem solving. Although we started the week with limited understanding we have grown in confidence and most pupils can now use two strategies to multiply two digits by two digits.

With still lots to learn and do we look forward to all the festive fun next week. Please remember it is Christmas dinner day on Wednesday!
Miss Graham