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Despite being a shorter week in Primary 6, we have managed to pack ALOT in! A real highlight this past week has been our science investigations. What a treat we enjoyed on Tuesday morning. We had STEM visitors into school from Fife College and Edinburgh University. We were reminded about the importance of team work, resilience and active listening as well as being resourceful and respectful. Each pupil had the opportunity to take part in 4 STEM activities across the morning. A real buzz and energy was felt across the school as we joined the Primary 7 pupils and other Primary 6 class to enjoy this hands on experience. We LOVED it!

Keeping with our John Muir Award focus and linking this to science, we also explored DNA and how to extract DNA from a strawberry. Lots of high quality dialogue and exploring happening across both classes this week.

Next week, we head off on our Edinburgh trip. Once again I would like to thank you for your overwhelming support and willingness to join in with this experience. We have now contacted directly volunteers on a first come basis and look forward to seeing our learning of Edinburgh come to life as we go into the city centre next Tuesday. Please ensure that your child has a pack lunch and a raincoat for this trip and note the EARLY START of 8.30AM. We hope to leave promptly to catch the train and will need to walk quickly up to the station. We look forward to sharing our pictures and stories from this exciting trip!

Have a relaxing long weekend,
Miss Graham