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A fantastic week in Primary 6 has flown by with many highlights to share.

On Monday we recorded our Jerusalema dance. Everyone looked brilliant in their outfits and delivered a fantastic performance. Thank you to Harry, Ethan and Gregor for using IMovies to create a special movie of our dance. Thank you to all the children for their enthusiasm and creativity during this project.

We were very excited to meet our Primary 1 buddies on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Everyone had lots of stories to tell when they came back and all had a super time getting to know their buddies.  Thank you to Gregor, Lilia, Cari and Iris for helping Mrs McIntosh set up for all the activities.  Your help was much appreciated.

On Thursday the sun was shining brightly for our class picnic and watergun fight.  Mrs Wehmeyer joined in with the fun and got pretty soaked. There were happy smiles on everyone's faces and it was topped off by enjoying a little bask in the sun to dry off and an ice lolly. Super, soaking fun!

Most pupils have recorded their blackout poetry and have worked hard on completing their project work on Mary, Queen of Scots.

On Monday the class will have a class bouncy castle treat in the playground so everyone should come in PE kit for the day.

We hope everyone has a great weekend.

Primary6/Mrs Wehmeyer