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Primary 6 have really enjoyed the wonderful weather this week. We took our reading books outside when it was too stuffy in the building.

A huge highlight this week was to start decorating our Turmeric tie dye t-shirts using fabric pens.  Everyone added their own pictures, patterns and a scottish element to their T-shirt design. It has been a lot of fun to create these and it will always remind us of our special year in Primary 6.

We recorded our Jerusalema dance so that we could see if we were smiling and using our arms and faces to interpret the music. We have now nailed all the steps so we are looking forward to the recording next week. We will wear full costumes of t-shirts, shorts and leggings, odd socks and african headbands.  We will share our effort on Seesaw, the school app and on the school Facebook page.

And the big news is that the P6 Sumdog team has won a 4th contest this year on an amazing average of 963/1000. A special mention to the 4 players ending in the top ten of the contest: Cameron-2nd, Harry- 3rd, Ethan-4th and Gregor-5th. Lilia (16th ) and Eva (20th) placed in the top 20 and Katy, Lizzie, Iris and Myla placed in the top 50. 

The following 17 players entered the last Fife Sumdog competition of the year:  Harry, Cameron S, Ethan, Gregor, Max, Casey P, Cameron M, Jamie, Thomas, Lilia, Eva, Iris, Katy M, Lizzie, Myla, Issy, Jessica. It was great to see some new players in the team like Casey P and Jamie.  We played as a team from school and from home supporting one another. Everyone smashed their previous best scores.! Mrs Wehmeyer is so proud of this truly wonderful effort by everyone. 

We are completing our personal projects on Mary, Queen of Scots making sure we have created an interesting project for our parents and classmates to look at. We have started making green screen recordings of our Blackout poetry project and hope to have all of these completed by next week.

The Social Target winner of the week is Ronja Hudson. Congratulations!

We hope everyone has a fantastic, restful weekend!

Primary 6/Mrs Wehmeyer