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Primary 6 are all spending quality time together as a class and the sunny weather has been enjoyed by everyone. It is great to have a big playing field where we can make the most of the wonderful weather.

We continue to work on our Blackout Poetry booklets using our class novel, The River Whale as inspiration. We have learnt how to skim and scan for important information. We used the information to write a poem that we will then arrange creatively in our booklets.  The front cover of our booklets are being decorated with Aboriginal Dotty Painting techniques. 

There has been many mature and thoughtful discussions during our RSPC discussions/activities and everyone has been confident enough to ask questions about areas they needed more understanding on. We have been encouraged to talk to our parents about any worries or if  we had further questions.

We are very excited to record our Jerusalema dance to share with the school community and with our parents. It has been a fantastic team effort by everyone. We have our Turmeric tie dye t-shirts ready for decorating with fabric pens and look forward to our final rehearsal next week. Watch this space!

On Thursday we had a visit from Tempest Photography and had the opportunity to have our class photograph taken.  We are sure this photograph will always be a wonderful momento of a very special year in Primary 6. Everyone looked super smart in their school uniforms. 

In Maths, we worked in pairs on a variety of topics that we wanted to practice. 
Congratulations to Katy Miller on her selection as Social Target of the week winner. 

We hope everyone enjoy a fantastic long weekend. 

Primary6/Mrs Wehmeyer