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A brilliant, busy week in Primary 6 has flown by!

This has been outdoor learning week and we all took full advantage of the lovely weather to work on the stage in the field.  We loved our activity 'See it, Draw it, Imagine it.' The results are truly spectacular with lots of imaginative ideas from everyone. We also planned our outdoor games and started constructing these using items from nature like sticks, feathers and stones.  
For Biology we have learnt all about amazing plant cells. Lots of new vocabulary acquired like mitochondria, nucleus and choloplast.  How special is a  simple leaf of a plant?

We continued to work hard on our maths assessments with a big focus on showing all the steps when working out a problem. 

Our Sumdog team of 10 players have absolutely smashed it in the National Numeracy Sumdog competition. We played as a team from school and at home and achieved a tremendous average score of  975/1000.  An astonishing achievement to end FIRST in the UK . A total of 27,668 students played in the contest.. A special mention goes to Harry Gillespie ending on 999/1000 and in  6th spot, Gregor on 997 ending in 16th spot and Cameron and Katy on 990 ending in 58th spot. All the players have smashed their previous high scores from before. This means the P6 Sumdog team has won two Fife contests and one National contest this year.  Well done Harry, Gregor, Cameron, Katy,  Ethan, Casey T, Lilia, Max, Lizzie and Issy on this wonderful achievement. A complete team effort by all involved with Mrs Wehmeyer cheering you on and encouraging you all the way. 

We had tremendous fun at sports day on Thursday. Lots of happy, smiling faces! Thank you to Mrs Hay and the P7 sports leaders/helpers for organising the day of fun for all of us.Some photos and videos have been uploaded onto Seesaw for everyone to enjoy!

Congratulations to our Social Target of the week winner Harry Gillespie. 

Have a fabulous weekend!
Primary 6/Mrs Wehmeyer