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We have had a fantastic week in Primary 6!

This week there has been a big focus on our Biology topic. We have created front pages for our Plant Detective booklets.  We are really enjoying learning all about plants and flowers.  Photosynthesis,  chlorophyll and pollination is some of the new words we have learnt,  We create a beautiful Wordle using all the plant vocabulary from our Science topic. We used different colours and fonts to create these and it was a fun way to learn new terminology. 

For health and well-being we pressed some flowers under a heavy weight and made these into wonderful bookmarks using our favourite quotes from The Boy, The Mole, the Fox and the Horse by Charlie Mackesy.  We zentangled our names on the one side so they will never get lost.  A small braid with beads was added to round off our bookmarks and we laminated them so that they can last longer.  This will be great to use on a Friday when we do silent reading and we will share the results with you when everyone has completed theirs.

We had the opportunity to do a piece of free writing this week and we are looking forward to reading these stories. Lots of super comprehension work was also completed this week with a focus on answering in full sentences with the correct punctuation.

In maths we continue to work well and we looked at some end of level assessments.  Everyone worked with a partner and we focused on accurate working out and showing all the steps in the answers. Mrs Wehmeyer was really impressed with the resilience shown by everyone because some of the work was quite challenging, 

We are watching a great documentary on Mary, Queen of Scots ( The Red Queen ) and have gained lots of new knowledge and information about her life in France and Scotland.  It is a great story!

Our Jerusalema dance is progressing very well and we cannot wait to share this with our parents.  We are going to tie dye t-shirts using natural plant products like turmeric and we will make some African headbands to wear.  Lots of super  music playing by our  percussionists and fantastic moves and grooves by everyone.

Congratulations to our Social Target of the Week winner Thomas Law. 

A little reminder that sports day is on Thursday next week. On Wednesday we will have an outdoor learning day.

Have a fantastic weekend!

Primary 6/Mrs Wehmeyer